Current status:OFFLINE

Welcome to xdolobx's recovery service site!

Thank you for visiting my site!  

We hope you are able to find what you are looking for!

I'm online normally to do these recoveries all day.

I accept Paypal and Amazon gift cards, USD only.

Contact me on Skype(lilshade52) if you're interested in services. there is a chat link at the bottom of this page for my skype.

These services are not done on shared KV's(KeyVaults) so that decreases my ban rates and increases happy customers,

although I do not do more than 5 recoveries per KV(KeyVault) For an additional $5 USD (Amazon Card or PayPal) I will use a fresh KV (KeyVault) for your account and your account only and then remove the KV(KeyVault) after service. 

I will post more here when I start with these recoveries

                                                                                                                                                                                              1/14/2015 xdolobxrecovery team.

-By doing this service you are agreeing to the disclaimer. 
-You are taking the risk of getting banned and we accept no responsibility, under any circumstances, if you do get banned. 
-If you are permanently banned within the first week, with proof, we will provide you with a new account with one(1) month of XBL Gold free.
-If you have a 2 week ban or are reset in the first week; we will redo your account when it is unbanned.
-If you are permanently banned anytime after a week it will be $5 USD (Amazon Card or PayPal) and you will get a new account with one(1) month of XBL Gold free.
-Under special circumstances, for those that are banned for two weeks, I will provide a new account with one(1) month of XBL Gold.

                                                                                                                                                                                              1/14/2015 xdolobxrecovery team.

^^ This is my skype button

                                                                                                                                                                                              1/14/2015 xdolobxrecovery team.